Science & Technology

Class Preparation
View the following video and presentations prior to #WaterWednesday to introduce your class to water SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.
VIDEO| Tour of the local Wastewater Treatment Plant
Tour the Peterborough Wastewater Treatment Plant with Kent Keeling and Julius the Turtle
VIDEO | Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
Watch the video and learn about the Lake Ontario Watershed and Atlantic Salmon with Ben Tesky from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters!
Atlantic Salmon Identification Worksheet
Print the Atlantic Salmon worksheet from Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters to extend your students’ learning about Atlantic Salmon identification.
Extend Your Learning
Grade 2/3
Kids will love this fun and informative colouring book that highlights how to keep your toilet happy! Click on the book cover below to download:
Grade 4/5
Try this Science experiment using the Alum and Soil in your classroom kit!
All you’ll need is a clear jar with a tight lid:
Teacher Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending our virtual Festival! Your feedback on the experience will help the PCWF Steering Committee continue to meet the needs of educators, students, and water education.
Completing the Teacher Feedback Survey should take approximately 10 minutes. Please complete this survey before end of day on Friday, June 3rd, 2021.
*Please note: all teachers who include their e-mail address within the form will be entered in a draw to win a Downtown Peterborough $100 Gift Card!
More Teacher Resources!
Here are a number of resources from previous years’ water festivals that teachers may wish to utilize. Just click on the links to access videos, quizzes, and worksheets about water SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Enjoy!
VIDEO | GreenUP Wonders of Water
Headwaters to Hearts is a local story of education in action. Students and teachers came together to transform their relationship to water and protect the local watershed.
Make your own Cootie Catcher
Check out this interactive Cootie Catcher Action Plan Game with a fun origami paper folding component! Click here for instructions on how to fold your Cootie Catcher… Click on the thumbnail below to download and print:
Aqua Quest Trivia from PCWF 2021:
Challenge your students to a fun quiz to see what they have learned about of water SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, with a few bonus questions from our first three Water Wednesdays. We will be celebrating some of the Kahoot! successes on our #WaterWednesday Zooms!
Click on the button below and enter the game PIN. Make sure your volume is on and turned up!
Gr. 2/3 Game PIN: 001792886
Gr. 4/5 Game PIN: 04815085