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What to Expect

Overview for Volunteers

Below is an itinerary to give you an overview of how a typical Festival day runs, and tips for Festival volunteers. This information can also be found in our printable PDF Volunteer Planning Guide.


8:00 am

  • Arrive at park and meet at welcoming tent
  • Check in receive an overview of your role for the day.

9:15 – 9:30 am

  • Elementary students arrive and get oriented

9:30 – 11:30 am

  • Students visit activity centers

11:30 – 12:00 am

  • Lunch is provided to volunteers

12:00pm – 12:30

  • Sacred Water Teaching at Activity Centre #5

12:30- 2:00 pm

  • Return to your activity or area
  • Students continue to visit activity centers

2:00 pm

  • Students return to the marshaling area to prepare for bus loading.
  • Activity centers are cleaned up by activity center hosts.
  • Volunteers assist in organizing and loading students on buses.

Volunteer Tips

  • Wear comfortable footwear that is suitable for the weather (i.e.rubber boots if it is raining).
  • Wear clothing that a PCWF apron can fit over. You will receive one when you arrive to help identify you as a volunteer.
  • Dress in layers for the weather. The Festival and activities continue rain or shine.
  • Read the Volunteer Planning Guide.
  • Lunch is provided, but no other food is sold on-site. You are welcome to bring litterless snacks.
  • Please bring a reusable water bottle- water and juice will be available.
  • Coffee is provided throughout the morning. Please bring a refillable travel mug.